Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The 3-masted staysail schoooner of the Uruguyan Navy, CAPITAN MIRANDA, is scheduled ofr one of the ports of tall ships Mediterranean, Alicante. Not other details of her cruise in 2007 have been released.

CAPITAN MIRANDA has a webpage: www.armada.gub.uy

Friday, January 26, 2007

schooner GEDANIA

The 2-masted schooner GEDANIA, which has been restored, and refitted extensively over the last decade is sailing again with young trainees, and operating in conjunction with the POGORIA and the Sail Training Association of Poland.
If I can read there webpage correctly, the GEDANIA will be participating in the STI races in he Mediterranean in July, and the STI tallships race from Stockholm to Szczecin in early August. GEDANIA was one of the surprise additions to the tall ships fleet visiting the US in 1976, having sailed up from Anartica, and joing the fleet in Hamilton haroubr before visiting Newport, New York, and Salem and Boston Massachusetts in the bicentennial year, 1976.

After retiring from oceanogrpahic explorations, the GEDANIA was refitted, her double hull removed, and an additional 10 feet added to her midsection, to accomodate a larger crew of trainess.

For further information on passages, trainee opportunities, and schedules, write to:


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Norwegian tallship SORLANDET

The smallest of the 3 Class A tall ships in Norway, the SORLANDET, will particiapte in events in the Baltic over the summer of 2007.

See the homepae for SORLANDET and tall ships Szczecin for further details.

Brazilian tallship CISNE BRANCO

The Brazilian tallship, the CISNE BRANCO is scheduled to participate in the ASTA Tall Shipc Challenge in 2007.

See the webpage: www.tallshipsrhodeisland.org for further details

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Thanks to Tom Hyde, Communciation Director at the Gray's Harbor Historical Seaport Authority, we have a neat photograph of HAWAIIAN CHIEFTAIN in her "new colors".

HAWAIIAN CHIEFTAIN homeports in Aberdeen, WA, and regularly sails with the
LADY WASHINGTON in historical re-enactments on the west coast. Shortly we will post her 2007 sailing schedule and appearances.

Photograph courtesy of Thomas Hyde, 2007.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Curacao Sail -- May 2008

The Curacao Sail Foundation is seeking tall ships to participate in its planned festival to take place in Curacao, May 2008.

For more information, contact:

Lucky Ezechiëls, President & CEO

Curaçao Sail Foundation

P.O. Box 3740 Curaçao A.N.




T. + 5999-5603272

F. + 5999-7367369

Friday, January 19, 2007

tallship PICTON CASTLE + tallshipsrhodeisland

The PICTON CASTLE is one the vessels scheduled to appear with the tall ships in Newport, Rhode Island, June 27th-July 1st.

Check out the webpage of Tall Ships Rhode Island: www.tallshipsrhodeisland.org

Also, this photograph will be one of the series of postcards prepared for ASTA for the visit of tall ships.

For more information, go to: http://www.tallshipsinternational.net/2007postcards.html

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

tallship UNICORN ** "Sisters Under Sail"

Dawn Santamaria of the tallship UNICORN has announced a series of character building voyages on the UNICORN for young women, "Sisters Under Sail." The innovative program will be centered on the east coast in 2007. For more information, go to the UNICORN webpage at:
"Sisters Under Sail" Schedule for 2007 :

Bridgeport, CT to New York City ~ Jun. 03 - 08
New York City to Atlantic City, NJ ~ Jun. 10 - 15
Atlantic City to Perth Amboy, NJ ~ Jun. 18 - 22
Halifax, Nova Scotia to Gloucester, MA ~ Jul. 16 - 27
Gloucester, MA to Bridgeport, CT ~ Jul. 29 - Aug. 3
Bridgeport, CT sailing Long Island Sound ~ Aug. 5 - 10

Thursday, January 11, 2007

MIRCEA, sail-training barque from Romania

MIRCEA, recently restored by the Romanian Navy, will be participating in the tall ships races in the Mediterranean the summer of 2007.

MIRCEA is one of the 4 sail-training barques built in Germany in the 1930's; the other four now being, EAGLE (USA), SAGRES II (Portugal), and the GORCH I (being restored in Straslund, Germany.)
The tall ships festival in Barcelona, which MIRCEA will attend, will take place, July 12th-15th, 2007. For contact, e-mail: tallships.med2007@diba.es
Additional information to follow.
Photographs of MIRCEA, courtesy of Sam Samoilescu, Ontario, CANADA. Sam is the brother of the Exe. officer of the MIRCEA.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

TARANGINI, sail-training barque of the Indian Navy

For the ASTA challenge of 2007, the Indian Navy's barque, TARANGINI will be visiting the east coast in May-June-July 2007. The TARANGINI is a 177', 3-masted barque, built in 1997.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

SPIRIT of SOUTH CAROLINA, May 3rd-4th, 2007

The launch of the schooner, SPIRIT of SOUTH CAROLINA has been scheduled for March 3rd, or 4th, 2007.

Monday, January 08, 2007


he tall ship of the Royal Malaysian Navy, TUNAS SAMUDERA, will be making a 412 day circumnavigation to the tall ships events in the Baltic this summer, 2007.

TUNAS SAMUDERA is a 44m brigantine.